Friday, August 22, 2008

My Insanity

I was working, or at least trying to work on the ideas I have for a game and started browsing my shelves of game books. Then I got curious of just how many RPGs I actually have accumulated over the years. Mind you, this is sans the couple I have lost over the years as well, for one my AD&D 1st Edition.

Anyway, on with the list.

All Flesh Must Be Eaten Revised Edition
Battletech (just the armored combat box)
Burning Wheel Revised Edition, Jihad and Blossoms are Falling
Call of Cthulhu 4th, 5th, 6th, Dark Ages and D20
Cyberpunk 2013 and 2020
Dangerous Journeys: Mythus
Doctor Who Fasa Edition
Dogs in the Vineyard
Don't Rest Your Head
Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rules Cyclopedia, 2nd Edition, 3E, 3.5E and 4E
Earthdawn 1st Edition and Revised Edition
Fate 2nd Edition
Indiana Jones
James Bond 007
Lord of the Rings Decipher Edition
Marvel Super Heroes 1st Edition
Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition
The New Argonauts
Pathfinder Beta Edition
Savage Worlds Explorer Edition
Space 1889
Spycraft 2nd Edition
Star Frontiers
Star Trek Fasa Edition
Star Wars 2nd Edition, D20 and D20 Revised
Tri-Stat dX
Twilight 2000 1st Edition and 2nd Edition
The Wheel of Time

Yes, I'm a list person. haha

Lately there has been such an explosion in the number of awesome RPGs that I have a want list that's growing the more I hear about these wonderful games. I may not get to play them all but I really do enjoy reading the books to wrap my mind around the rules and the settings. Some of them are so unique that I never would have thought them up and others are the old favorites that take me back to childhood just seeing their covers.

I hope you enjoyed that little tidbit for a blog post when I should be working on my master plan.

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